速報APP / 個人化 / ai.type keyboard Lite Beta

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 18457 Houston, TX 77043 USA

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta(圖1)-速報App

95% of ai.type capability in 25% of storage size

lightweight and fast!

With new set of setting, new home screen and action buttons.

less then 10MB in size, compare to 40MB of our full ai.type keyboard version, or about 30MB for Google keyboard – Gboard.

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta(圖2)-速報App

and it keep getting smaller! stay up- to-date with latest release!

ai.type is the smartest, most personalized keyboard for smartphones and tablets. With over 50 million users worldwide, we transform the messaging experience.

Our app lets you type better and faster by learning your writing style, it allows you to customize and personalize your keyboard the way you like.

Feature-set highlights

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta(圖3)-速報App

Design keyboard layout, change themes, colors, fonts, use more than 800 emoji, and express yourself exactly the way you want to.

Thousands of free themes - Choose any of the free and attractive keyboard themes out of thousands available themes as part of our Theme Market.

Design and share your own theme - Design personalized layout (background, colors, fonts…), Share theme with friends and upload theme to our app Theme Market where millions of other users can see, rate and ⬇ download them.

Emoji Support - Enjoy our new Emoji scrollable layout helping you to easily navigate through 800 different emoji and more than 1000 graphical chars.

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta(圖4)-速報App

Auto suggested Emojis - Let us help and suggest the right

ai.type keyboard Lite Beta(圖5)-速報App